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Business Code: GNGDS1044

Key Features: Wholesale and retail bakery - Takings over $20k p.w - Melbourne City fringe

State: VIC

Location: Busy main road shopping strip in a popular part of town filled with eateries, shops and apartments in Melbourne City Fringe.


Bakery producing artisan rye bread and running only one production shift per day - Specialising in the production of a variety of rare and unique rye breads for the wholesale market along with the retail sales in the shop front with around 4 kgs. of coffee sales per week - also producing some unique European cakes and scrolls - Very well equipped to handle twice the production load over 2 floors, remote surveillance cameras - the equipment is all relatively new and in perfect working order.


  • Features: Established 20 years - Produces a variety of rare rye bread for the wholesale market - Retail specialty European cakes with no competition. - Very well equipped.
  • Potential: Employ a sales rep to approach more farmers markets, delicatessens, and supermarkets for large production and run extra production shifts
  • Premises: Large 2 storey building with private bathrooms, rear land access and parking with retail shop front.
  • Trading Hours: 7 days - Retail shop - 6.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. and Bakery - 5 p.m. - midnight.
  • Lease: New 5 + 5 + 5 year lease available - 1 month bond - C.P.i. increase.
  • Employees: 1 owner + 4 full time bakers + 3 part time retail sales people
  • Sale Reason: Unforeseen health reasons and retirement.
  • Comments: Misc.- 1 - Water bills - Misc.- 2 - Work cover & superannuation -
    Fully equipped with 1 x 4 deck oven, 1 double rack rotor oven, 1 small oven upstairs, 1 cool room, 1 freezer room, 2 prover rooms, 3 mixers and plenty of racks and shelving over 2 floors of production area and office upstairs.

Disclaimer: The images shown are stock photos and are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent the actual business for sale. Please note that the business information provided may be affected by COVID-19. Please speak to your broker for more information.

Weekly Summary

Weekly Takings (inc GST)


Cost of Goods


Gross Profit




















Coffee Kilos P/W


Total Expenses


Estimated Stock (Additional)


Equipment (Included)


Net Profit




Contact SBX

NSW (02) 9439 4403

QLD / VIC 1300 366 655


Bakery - Cakes - Wholesaler - Retailer

Business Code: GNGDS1044
Price: $985,000
+ Estimated Stock (SAV) $15,000

Key Features: Wholesale and retail bakery - Takings over $20k p.w - Melbourne City fringe

State: VIC

Location: Busy main road shopping strip in a popular part of town filled with eateries, shops and apartments in Melbourne City Fringe.


Bakery producing artisan rye bread and running only one production shift per day - Specialising in the production of a variety of rare and unique rye breads for the wholesale market along with the retail sales in the shop front with around 4 kgs. of coffee sales per week - also producing some unique European cakes and scrolls - Very well equipped to handle twice the production load over 2 floors, remote surveillance cameras - the equipment is all relatively new and in perfect working order.


  • Features: Established 20 years - Produces a variety of rare rye bread for the wholesale market - Retail specialty European cakes with no competition. - Very well equipped.
  • Potential: Employ a sales rep to approach more farmers markets, delicatessens, and supermarkets for large production and run extra production shifts
  • Premises: Large 2 storey building with private bathrooms, rear land access and parking with retail shop front.
  • Trading Hours: 7 days - Retail shop - 6.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. and Bakery - 5 p.m. - midnight.
  • Lease: New 5 + 5 + 5 year lease available - 1 month bond - C.P.i. increase.
  • Employees: 1 owner + 4 full time bakers + 3 part time retail sales people
  • Sale Reason: Unforeseen health reasons and retirement.
  • Comments: Misc.- 1 - Water bills - Misc.- 2 - Work cover & superannuation -
    Fully equipped with 1 x 4 deck oven, 1 double rack rotor oven, 1 small oven upstairs, 1 cool room, 1 freezer room, 2 prover rooms, 3 mixers and plenty of racks and shelving over 2 floors of production area and office upstairs.

Disclaimer: The images shown are stock photos and are for illustrative purposes only and do not represent the actual business for sale. Please note that the business information provided may be affected by COVID-19. Please speak to your broker for more information.

Weekly Summary

Figures include GST unless stated otherwise

Weekly Takings


Cost of Goods


Gross Profit


Rent (ex GST)


















Coffee Kilos P/W


Total Expenses


Estimated Stock (Additional)


Equipment (Included)


Net Profit



+ Estimated Stock (SAV) $15,000


Enquire about this listing

The information contained on each individual business for sale has been gathered from the vendor or landlord and/or professional service providers and is believed to be accurate and current as at the date of publication. SBX Business Brokers provides no warranties of any nature are given, intended or implied and prospective purchasers must rely on their own enquiries and should verify the accuracy of information before proceeding.